
TapeStation Software

TapeStation Software

Perform simple and intuitive data analysis with the TapeStation Software. With streamlined data acquisition and reporting, sample QC is made quick and easy. Sample concentration and sizing are automatically provided and sample integrity of DNA and RNA can be determined reproducibly by the DIN and RINe.

Additional system verification capabilities are provided by the intrinsic system diagnostics, along with region analysis for library preparation. The Agilent Information Center is also accessible for further product information.


  • Support of the 4200 and 4150 TapeStation instruments.
  • Ensure sample integrity with the DNA Integrity Number (DIN) and RIN-equivalent (RINe).
  • Intuitive data analysis capabilities including scaling and zooming features and the ability to compare samples for a full 96-well run.
  • Compressed reporting functions save white space.
  • Region analysis for the fast sizing and quantification of library preparations.
  • Multiple exportable data formats are allowed for straightforward integration into presentations or Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS).
  • The TapeStation System Diagnostics may be used as an improved hardware diagnostic tool.
  • The Agilent Information Center is also available, providing all product information including how-to videos.


Display Resolution 1024 x 768 pixels
Hard Disk Space Requirements 80 GB
Memory 8 GB
Operating System Microsoft Windows 10 (64 bit)
Ports 2 USB ports, USB-2 or higher
Processor Intel i5-6300U with 2.4 GHz or higher