
Myriapod Line

Myriapod® permits with only one DNA test to identify all SNPs which could give an adverse response to the drugs normally used for a specific neoplastic pathology treatment. As a consequence, thanks to the technic and fondamental clinical experience, oncologist could better select appropriate and less toxic chemo and radiation treatment for each single patient.

Myriapod® is able to analyse tens of mutations in a single session. It permits to pass from patient’s DNA to the personalized therapy choice in less than one day.

  • System CE IVD labeled;
  • More than 250 targets in at least 80 genes in parallel;
  • Analysis can be performed from a large range of starting materials: blood samples, fresh, frozen and even FFTP tissues, cellular lines;
  • Accuracy higher than 99,7%;
  • High sensibility: possibility to identify alleles mutated at a less than 10% frequency;
  • Heighten reproducibility and reliability.

The Myriapod kits are available only for the Italian market. For more information please contact us.