Unlock the Universe of Spatial Biology with AtoMx™ SIP
Introducing AtoMx™ Spatial Informatics Platform (SIP), the only cloud-based, fully-integrated informatics platform for spatial biology.
No coding experience is required to use AtoMx SIP. Researchers can analyze and visualize spatial multiomics data with ease while utilizing NanoString-configured analysis modules and pipelines. For researchers with computational experience, custom analysis modules and pipelines can effortlessly be created and executed all while leveraging the compute power of the cloud.
With advanced analytics enabling global data sharing and collaboration, AtoMx SIP helps researchers analyze large amounts of spatial multiomics data anytime, anywhere.
AtoMx Makes It All Possible
Spatial Biology At Your Fingertips
Obtain comprehensive insights from your GeoMx® DSP or CosMx™ SMI spatial multiomics data with the click of a button.
AtoMx SIP enables users to perform image analysis & data visualization, utilize scalable cloud compute and storage, and collaborate globally with researchers across the globe.
What’s more, blazing-fast compute speeds of the platform significantly decrease analysis time, allowing researchers to focus on obtaining insights from spatial multiomics data across oncology, immunology, neuroscience, and other research applications faster than previously possible.
Key Features of AtoMx
NanoString Spatial Platform Integration
Stream image and count files seamlessly from CosMx SMI and GeoMx DSP into AtoMx SIP.
Data Management
Securely store, manage, and collaborate spatial multiomics data around the globe.
Analyze & Visualize Spatial Data
Perform secondary analysis and tertiary analysis with preconfigured modules and data analysis pipelines.
Custom Analysis
Edit pre-built modules and pipelines OR build custom modules and pipelines to analyze spatial data to fit your needs.*
Security & Compliance
Single Sign-On authentication backed by standard-compliant data encryption for data-in-transit and data-at-rest through Amazon Web Services.